that means, "TGIF!". good GRIEF it was a long day.
at work, i talk to people from all parts of the country. the biggest question of the day was, "where are you located?" (them, asking me). i haven't watched the news, but i do understand the snow is a big story. i wouldn't mind some snow either, since i'm finally "at home".
and, oh so late ... both kitties waiting at the door. the food bowl empty, the water sour. poop in the tub, and vomit in two places. shit.
well, that's what happens when you're gone for an 11 hr. shift + commute. shit happens.
now? Mac is outside soaking up the stars and cold air. Rocky ... he's my hero! there was an itty bitty
kakerlake in the shower, so i showed it to Rocky.
see the itty bitty dark spot? that's the dead kakerlake. GO ROCKY!
he gets a hall pass tonight. i won't rat out all the other things he's done. though, i suspect the vomit was his ... it was clear, and had peacock feathers in it. he's been tearing up that peacock feather for days now. guess it tickled his throat too much?
it's late, but i poured myself a glass of wine. i want to knit on something and catch an episode on my netflix, but i'm not sure what to knit, and i feel a bit wired too.
well, Mac just came in, and the usual shenanigans ensued. Rocky's so happy so see Mac, who he's apparently not gotten enough of being closed in all day with, that he has to antagonize Mac.
so, as usual, Mac comes in, has a few nibbles of food, and then runs back to the door!
so, out he goes, because i feel so guilty for being gone for so many hours. BUT, it's friday. i have the weekend. tomorrow i will go to my meeting in the morning. come back here and do some housework and have breakfast, and likely go hang out at the yarn store for awhile.
oh, here's my sock ... not the best picture, but it is progress ... and now i'm past the gusset and on the foot!