Tuesday, February 5, 2013


i'm sure Rocky is wondering when i'll stop following him like the paparazzi, but that's just not going to happen anytime soon. there are just too many photo opportunities.

when i came in tonight, the only carnage was in the kitchen.

i present, exhibit A. we'll call it THE SALT. this is not where i left it this morning.


and secondly, exhibit B. place mats are not generally in chairs and on the floor. this one i shall call SERIOUSLY ?!



i really like this picture of Mac. it's from this morning, when he was hanging out in the bathroom before i left for work. it's hard to get photos of him though ... and he looks so annoyed that i'm trying to get pictures. i bet he wouldn't mind so much if he knew how GOOD he looked!

well, the salt on the floor forced me to finally break out the dyson. schmutzie said it was in the garage. i overlooked it a couple of times because i thought it was a piece of yard equipment (it's long and skinny). WHOOPS!

i zipped around a bit, sucking up salt & cat hair. the floors do look better, and now i know what the vacuum looks like (hey, no laughing!).

here's some views from "home" ....




well, Mac is still outside. it's okay though ... he hasn't been out for very long, and it's not freezing out. i'm sure he just needs some fresh air and "me" time :p

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